OER 101
What are OER?
Textbooks: Complete, freely available textbooks.
Course Materials: Syllabi, lecture notes, assignments, and exams.
Multimedia: Videos, podcasts, and interactive simulations.
Primary Sources: Original documents, historical records, and other primary materials.
Benefits of OER
Cost Savings: Reduces financial burden on students.
Customization: Allows instructors to modify and adapt resources to fit specific course needs.
Access: Provides immediate access to learning materials.
Analyze Your Course
Analyze Your Course
Learning Objectives: Identify the key learning outcomes for your course.
Current Materials: Review the materials you currently use and identify gaps or areas for improvement.
Student Feedback: Consider feedback from students regarding current materials.
Repositories and Databases
Here are some reliable OER repositories and databases:
OpenStax: High-quality, peer-reviewed textbooks.
OER Commons: A comprehensive digital library of OER.
MERLOT: A curated collection of free and open online teaching, learning, and faculty development services.
BCcampus OpenEd: Provides openly licensed textbooks and other OER.
Search Strategies
Keywords: Use specific keywords related to your subject.
Filters: Utilize filters to narrow down the search by type of material, subject, educational level, etc.
Advanced Search: Use advanced search options for more precise results.
Additional OER Resources
Criteria for Evaluation
Relevance: Ensure the content aligns with your course objectives.
Quality: Check for peer reviews, author credentials, and publication standards.
Accuracy: Verify the correctness of the information.
Accessibility: Ensure materials are accessible to all students, including those with disabilities.
Licensing: Confirm the licensing allows for the intended use (modification, redistribution, etc.).
Tools for Evaluation
Achieve OER Rubrics: A set of rubrics for evaluating OER quality.
BCcampus OER Evaluation Guide: Provides a comprehensive guide to evaluating OER.
Customizing & Attribution
Adapting and Customizing
Modification: Adapt the material to better fit your course structure and objectives.
Combining Resources: Mix and match different OER to create a comprehensive resource.
Attribution and Licensing
Proper Attribution: Follow the licensing requirements for attributing the original authors.
ShareAlike: If you modify an OER, share your version under the same license if required.
Technological Integration
LMS Integration: Incorporate OER into Canvas
Print Options: Provide options for students to print OER materials if preferred.
Updating Resources
Gathering Feedback
Student Feedback: Regularly collect feedback from students regarding the OER.
Peer Review: Engage colleagues in reviewing the OER used in your course.
Updating Resources
Stay Current: Regularly check for updates or new versions of the OER.
Contribute Back: Share your improvements and adaptations with the OER community.
Support & Training
Institutional Support
Library: Utilize the college library’s resources and expertise in finding and evaluating OER.
OER Coordinator: Some institutions have dedicated OER coordinators or support staff.
Professional Development
Workshops and Training: Attend workshops or training sessions on finding and using OER.
Online Communities: Join online communities and forums focused on OER.